bel ami

"We fancied each other and that's that. Now it's over." Georges Duroy (the protagonist of Bel Ami, Guy de Maupassant's first novel-length work), is a cad - a social climber who literally sleeps his way to the top. Her is a young former soldier, a man fighting for social and material position in the rat race that was Paris of 1870s. Scandal, political intrigue and sexual manipulation balance beautifully against de Maupassant's cruel wit - and also against his love of life. Duroy becomes a sort of male Madame Bovary - but where Bovary's amorality brings her little but misery, Duroy's pays off. In many ways what de Maupassant tells is a cynical and amoral tale - but there is a ring of truth about it; de Maupassant offers us an insight we had not dare forget..

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

já leste o maupassant?!
quem deu, quem deu???
encntrei uma foto nova em folha do nosso amigo sebastien blue hihi. tem coroa e tudo

Anónimo disse...

foi ti!
quero uma princesa florentina em vermelho e salmão!

Anónimo disse...

vamos a florença encontrá-la!
e eu que estou a reler o macbeth. a ver se me incendeia a casa. quem deu, quem deu? (juro. comecei hoje ao sol!!!). seres mai lindos, pá. não sermos? :)